
The Practice has a comprehensive confidentiality policy. An abridged version is on display in the waiting room at the surgery. A full copy can be made available to patients on request. If you wish to speak to a member of staff privately, please ask and a room will be made available.

Use of Personal Health Information

We are registered under the Data Protection Act and have a robust system in place to protect your confidentiality. Personal health information is used to monitor the practices screening activities.

Occasionally, anonymous health information is sent to our local Primary Health Care Trust to monitor quality standards and post verification. All our staff are fully trained in confidentiality procedures and we operate a continuous cycle of monitoring and evaluation to ensure that high standards regarding patients’ confidentiality are constantly met.

Patients Access to Their Medical Records

As a patient you have the right to access your medical records. Written request with valid reason should be always be made whenever you want access to your records. You can get them within 30 days as under the Data Protection Act 1998.